Trying to get arduino code to work with ESPhome, but I think I am doing it all wrong

I bought some wind speed sensors to use within esphome, but they are not currently a supported sensor. The creator of the sensor provided a sample config to use the sensors within arduino IDE, so I have been trying to adapt it into esphome. So far, I am not having much luck.

The sensor is very simple; all it is is two analog outputs that gives you wind speed, and temperature. The problem is trying to get the lambdas to work in esphome (although I am a very beginner level user when it comes to writing scripts in both arduino and esphome).

This is the sample config for use in arduino:

#define analogPinForRV    1   
#define analogPinForTMP   0

// to calibrate your sensor, put a glass over it, but the sensor should not be
// touching the desktop surface however.
// adjust the zeroWindAdjustment until your sensor reads about zero with the glass over it. 

const float zeroWindAdjustment =  .2; // negative numbers yield smaller wind speeds and vice versa.

int TMP_Therm_ADunits;  //temp termistor value from wind sensor
float RV_Wind_ADunits;    //RV output from wind sensor 
float RV_Wind_Volts;
unsigned long lastMillis;
int TempCtimes100;
float zeroWind_ADunits;
float zeroWind_volts;
float WindSpeed_MPH;

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(57600);   // faster printing to get a bit better throughput on extended info


  pinMode(A2, INPUT);        // GND pin      
  pinMode(A3, INPUT);        // VCC pin
  digitalWrite(A3, LOW);     // turn off pullups


void loop() {

  if (millis() - lastMillis > 200){      
    TMP_Therm_ADunits = analogRead(analogPinForTMP);
    RV_Wind_ADunits = analogRead(analogPinForRV);
    RV_Wind_Volts = (RV_Wind_ADunits *  0.0048828125);

    TempCtimes100 = (0.005 *((float)TMP_Therm_ADunits * (float)TMP_Therm_ADunits)) - (16.862 * (float)TMP_Therm_ADunits) + 9075.4;  

    zeroWind_ADunits = -0.0006*((float)TMP_Therm_ADunits * (float)TMP_Therm_ADunits) + 1.0727 * (float)TMP_Therm_ADunits + 47.172;  //  13.0C  553  482.39

    zeroWind_volts = (zeroWind_ADunits * 0.0048828125) - zeroWindAdjustment;  

    // This from a regression from data in the form of 
    // Vraw = V0 + b * WindSpeed ^ c
    // V0 is zero wind at a particular temperature
    // The constants b and c were determined by some Excel wrangling with the solver.
   WindSpeed_MPH =  pow(((RV_Wind_Volts - zeroWind_volts) /.2300) , 2.7265);   
    Serial.print("  TMP volts ");
    Serial.print(TMP_Therm_ADunits * 0.0048828125);
    Serial.print(" RV volts ");

    Serial.print("\t  TempC*100 ");
    Serial.print(TempCtimes100 );

    Serial.print("   ZeroWind volts ");

    Serial.print("   WindSpeed MPH ");
    lastMillis = millis();    


And this is what I have in esphome so far:


  - platform: adc
    pin: 35
    id: temp_f #analog_tmp
    name: "Temperature"
    update_interval: 60s
      - multiply: 0.018
      - lambda: |-
          return (x - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
    unit_of_measurement: "°F"

  - platform: adc
    pin: 34
    id: wind_speed #analog_rv
    name: "Wind Speed"
    update_interval: 60s
      - lambda: |-
          float zeroWindAdjustment = 0.02;
          float RV_Wind_ADunits = x;
          float RV_Wind_Volts = RV_Wind_ADunits * 0.0048828125;

          // Calibrate the sensor
          float TMP_Therm_ADunits = id(temp_f).state * 100.0;
          float zeroWind_ADunits = -0.0006 * (TMP_Therm_ADunits * TMP_Therm_ADunits) + 1.0727 * TMP_Therm_ADunits + 47.172;
          float zeroWind_volts = zeroWind_ADunits * 0.0048828125 + zeroWindAdjustment; // change '-' to '+'

          // Calculate the wind speed
          float WindSpeed_MPH = pow(((RV_Wind_Volts - zeroWind_volts) / 0.2300), 2.7265);
          return WindSpeed_MPH;
    unit_of_measurement: "mph"

So far, all I am seeing in the logs when using this config is:

[23:25:26][D][sensor:127]: 'Wind Speed': Sending state 152375.67188 mph with 2 decimals of accuracy
[23:25:31][D][sensor:127]: 'Temperature': Sending state -17.76721 °F with 2 decimals of accuracy

Running the sensors on an arduino using the provided sketch returns the correct values, so I know the sensors are working correctly. Can anybody see where I am messing this up?

EDIT: I forgot to add, I have been receiving help from someone with arduino experience, but they have never used esphome. So if something seems to make no sense, that may be why.