Trying to get my first switch to work using a Tellstick Duo,

Did a fresh install, added configurator and Tellstick Service

Added the following to configuration.yaml
- platform: tellstick

And in the configuration for Tellstick
"devices": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Testswitch",
"protocol": "fuhaote",
"model": "codeswitch",
"code": "0010001000"
"id": 2,
"name": "Example device two",
"protocol": "everflourish",
"model": "selflearning-switch",
"house": "A",
"unit": "2"

But when i try to call switch.turn_on through the service in the GUI nothing happens. I’ve restarted services, rebooted the system, moved the switch to within 2 meters of the Tellstick with no success. Need something to try, hit me.

Have you checked the error logs? If there are errors please include those in your post.

Log Details (ERROR)

Wed Nov 07 2018 21:59:31 GMT+0100 (centraleuropeisk normaltid)

Invalid service data for switch.turn_on: Entity ID testswitch is an invalid entity id for dictionary value @ data[‘entity_id’]. Got ‘Testswitch’

My guess is the entity_id isn’t just “testswitch” but rather “switch.testswitch” or something along those lines. Check the states page (http:/your_url:your_port/dev-state) for the correct entity id.

I found on another tutorial, older one, that this should be in configuration. Yaml:

  host: core-tellstick
  port: [50800, 50801]

Now it works and I even got a button to press.

I was expecting not to have to add anything to configuration.yaml when i started. Everything was so automated and graphic from the start, so I figured once I install the service all the needed changes should be made automatically. Guess not.

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Hi thread, me again. Figure i keep posting switch related issues with Tellstick here.

I’ve added more switches to the config, what is the fastest way to update HA so that they become visible under “Switches” in “Overview”?