Trying to get Plex for Nvidia Shield to accept "media_player.play_media" command


I’ve scoured the forums and found many issues similar to mine resolved by code formatting, but I haven’t seen exactly what I’m experiencing. Basically, the below Script works when running on me or my partner’s OnePlus mobile device, but does not work with my Nvidia Shield. I’ve also checked to make sure my Plex server and the Shield are on the same Subnet. with this script, Plex opens to the manage user screen and then halts. The logs show no errors. I’ve also tried running with Plex already open and in the Developer Tools section.

EDIT: When running this for the mobile devices I just change the - service: media_player.play_media section and open Plex manually on the mobile device. I’ve tried to approach the Shield this way also.

alias: Shuffle The Office
  - service: androidtv.adb_command
      command: MENU
      entity_id: media_player.shield
  - service: androidtv.adb_command
      command: "    am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n am start -a     android.intent.action.VIEW -n"
      entity_id: media_player.shield
      device_id: ba7a03614067167ecb7ac4a36672fd5a
  - service:
    data: {}
      entity_id: button.scan_clients_z2
      device_id: b42b78a78f9ad8880864a251bd6421b2
    enabled: true
  - service: plex.scan_for_clients
    data: {}
    enabled: true
  - wait_template: "{ not is_state('media_player.plex_for_shield', 'unavailable') }"
    continue_on_timeout: true
    timeout: "10"
    enabled: true
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: >-
        { "library_name": "TV Shows", "show_name": "The Office (US)", "shuffle":
        "1" }
      media_content_type: EPISODE
        - 8416b947012c46dc1861de25dd2eb6a3
      entity_id: media_player.plex_for_shield
mode: single
icon: mdi:shuffle-variant

It would appear that this just does not work on the Nvidia Shield anymore after an update to the Plex App. Another user I know is having the same experience when theirs was previously working. Anyone else? I hear that it still works with other Android TV devices. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!

I have the same issue

Oh this is unfortunate. Good to know as I was just wanting to try this, but I guess it won’t work.

Is this still the case? Main reason I got this is because I just want to be able to control Plex on my SHIELD as easily as I can with a FireTV Cube.

It should work, I am using Node-red instead but I was able to ge the Shield to play Plex via HASS.