Hello, I have hass.io and added the repo https://github.com/hassio-addons/repository I click the Caddy proxy and the installation seems to start, then it just stops and the installation button is visible again. Version is 0.88.1
Any help would be appreciated!
Hello, Noone that can help me get Caddy installed on my hass.io? Community Hass.io Add-ons
I am getting caddy from this repo:
BestLibre addons repository
Are there any other add-on I need for it to be installed? The installation just failes - can I see the what is wrong in any logfile?
Thanks in advance
I use the korylprince repo… that one works fine for me… maybe look up that one.
Hello, That repo installed I noticed that is has only 4 in add-on security rating rather than 5, how can this be?
No idea… Works great though