Trying to install HAOS on Lenovo G710 notebook and stuck on boot


I want to make Lenovo G710 HAOS only system.
I made usb stick with Ubuntu live, booted and burn HAOS 14.1 on SSD 120GB in notebook. Everything looks good. Powered off. Unpluged USB drive. Start to bios ensure UEFI is on and secure off and tried to boot HAOS…
Laptop boots but stopped on this screen…

It’s a CPU from 2013, and systemd caught an illegal instruction. Seems HAOS needs certain things your CPU does not support.

Thank You.
So I will need older version. Can You recommend one, or i will need trial/error route?

If a recent Ubuntu booted, I’d install that, set up Docker and run HA inside Docker.

An older HAOS release would also mean it might be unsupported (I am unfamiliar with HAOS support and release cycles).

Ubuntu boot without problems. But I want to avoid Docker because Addons… and new layer of posible problems.
Now I tried HAOS 11.1 and it booted to “Preparing” state and after while Supervisor log showed this:

Observer :4357

Supervisor: Connected
Supported: Supported
Healthy: Healthy