Trying to plot the weather forecast from pirate weather to a plotly card

I am finding this to be rather challenging, as it seems that HA changed the way weather forecasts are handled behind the scenes recently.

I simply want to plot this data:

As a line chart in a custom plotly card.

I have read through the documentations and numerous forum posts and have added the following to my configuration.yaml:

    - trigger:
        - platform: time_pattern
          minutes: "/30"
        - service: weather.get_forecasts
            type: daily
            entity_id: weather.pirateweather
          response_variable: daily
        - name: Pirate Weather Daily
          unique_id: pirateweather_daily
          state: "{{ daily['weather.pirateweather'].forecast[0].condition }}"
            forecast: "{{ daily['weather.pirateweather'].forecast }}"
    - trigger:
        - platform: time_pattern
          minutes: "/30"
        - service: weather.get_forecasts
            type: hourly
            entity_id: weather.pirateweather
          response_variable: hourly
        - name: Pirate Weather Hourly
          unique_id: pirateweather_hourly
          state: "{{ hourly['weather.pirateweather'].forecast[0].condition }}"
            forecast: "{{ hourly['weather.pirateweather'].forecast[:24] }}"

This results in some sensors, but they have no data, so I do not know what to add to my card’s YAML now.

Wow… actually, as I was typing this it seems like the sensors populated finally… I guess my question now is how should I have triggered that without needing to wait a while???

I guess it took somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 minutes to get data :wink:

Hahahah, right. Can you let me know how to force trigger it manually??

Don’t know if you can. First set it to /1 reload, wait a minute, set it back to /30 and reload.

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