Trying to re-create this dashboard

Hi all, i am trying to recreate this dashboard from this youtuber. He doesn’t seem to mention how he made the dashboard but i really like it.
Does anyone have any idea on how to start on this? I am terrible with graphic insight, puzzling with blocks and that kind of stuff.

This is what i came up with after an hour of trying. It looks terrible.

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Can you please post a link to the video.

Lots of stuff going on in that panel…

Looks like the author has something to remove the top and left nav bars, then something like the Layout card to be able to do the main framework using CSS Grid.

Each of the ‘panels’ looks like some kind of ‘stack-in-card’ to be able to drop in a bunch of entities without borders then inside of each of the stack-in-cards are either horizontal or vertical stacks or some kind of grid card for placement.

On the right panel is some kind of custom button, below that a weather card and a custom sun card (uses the sun integration). The top panel looks to be a bunch of buttons or something that can be navigation triggers (I’d bet money they’re using a URl slug to filter more panels to go in the main space)

The ‘main’ panel top half is a horizontal stack with a graph card on the left and an entities card on the right. Below that is a row of what appear to be custom:button-cards and below that a media player card of some type.

I am glad to know you didnt give up even after trying for hours.
I have been there as well and I have given up

Sounds complicated but i’ll have a look at the cards you mentioned later today. ty