Trying to script using spotcast service, receiving: Message malformed: expected a dictionary

Trying to just create a simple script to call the spotcast service but I keep getting the error, Message malformed: expected a dictionary. I’m using the syntax provided by the spotcast github, I feel like I’m missing something obvious.

I’ve tried adding quotes around the values but still receive the same error.

- service: spotcast.start
    device_name: Kitchen Speaker
    uri: spotify:user:spotify:playlist:0DD7yPJ4GlgHv5walslmeD
    media_content_type: playlist

Ah it was obvious, was completely missing the alias and sequence. This seems to work in a script:

alias: Spotify Play
  - service: spotcast.start
    entity_id: "media_player.kitchen_speaker"
    uri: "spotify:user:spotify:playlist:0DD7yPJ4GlgHv5walslmeD"
    media_content_type: playlist
    start_volume: 70
mode: single