Trying to set up energy via power meter - No matching statistics found

I’m tearing my hair out, and fed up with seeing “No matching statistics found” message in the Energy dashboard.

I’ve been recieving power usage information from an Owl CM119 power meter. Its a 2 part system with a clamp round the live feed from my meter to the fuseboard and 433MHz transmitter sending readings to a small LCD display which can keep track of electricity consumption. I’ve integrated this into HA by receiving signals from the transmitter with RF-Link (Owl CM119 is a fully supported device in RF-Link).

Because the voltage and frequency calibration was done in the LCD display, I’ve created a “power_corrected” entity in configuration.yaml using a value_template as shown here…

  • platform: template
    unit_of_measurement: ‘W’
    device_class: power
    value_template: “{{ (((states(‘sensor.owl_cm119_00e1_watt’)|float) * 250 / 230)|round) }}”

I’ve read up on how to integrate this to record energy consumption using a Riemann sum integral integration and created this entity…

  • platform: integration
    source: sensor.power_corrected
    name: energy_spent
    method: left
    unit: kWh
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    round: 2

All of these are showing up as entities


Power Corrected


I’ve tried all sort of config tweaks to see if anything will make the “energy_spent” device show up in the energy dashboard dropdown, but it just insists on saying “No matching statistics found”.

I’ve read through everything about energy, and done loads of searches in the forum, but this is as far as I can get.

Any help appreciated before I tear my last remaining hairs out.

I’ve also just remembered that there is an actual energy statistic output by the meter, and I’ve likewise adjusted it for voltage and created the entity below…

  • platform: template

    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    device_class: energy
    value_template: "{{ (((states('sensor.owl_cm119_00e1_kwatt')|float) * 250 / 230)|round) }}"

Energy Corrected

Again I’ve tried to add this, but just get the same message “No matching statistics found”

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Yeah it sucks that statistics are calculated only for some special entities and I remember that the dosc says that the integration has to provide some information whether they should be calculated or not.

This means that if you use the integration which doesn’t “mark” entity in some specific way the stats won’t be calculated hence they won’t be available as the energy source.

The workaround which I have found is that for the utility meter entities the stats are calculated by default. So it is just a matter of creating utility_meter entity based on your other entity (e.g. template entity).

Here is my config for energy related entities:


BTW the RF transceiver which I use is RFXTRX and the integration for it produces entity for which stats are generated. Although I don’t want to use it directly as sometimes it gives weird readings where total is 0 etc. So I’m passing the data via template entity to filter out the incorrect readings. So kind of similar thing what you do.

Thank you Maks for taking the time to answer.

I tried adding a single device under utility_meter and my other 2 devices “magically” appeared (energy_spent & energy_corrected from original post).

So, you’re absolutely right at least one entry must be set up under utility_meter, otherwise nothing will ever appear. I think this MUST be a bug.

The energy dashboard does seem to be a bit rough round the edges. The documents don’t really help and in places are just wrong.

I’ve previously noticed there are random jumps in the kwatt figure returned, and I’ve seen that on the associated LCD display.

I’m going to replace this soon with the the Home Assistant Glow (ESPHome), though I plan to add the ability to synchronise it to the actual meter and have a display and buttons to make it match the reading on the meter its following. Once I’ve done one, I’ll do a second on for the gas (it’ll need a reflection sensor, but it’s basically identical).

I’ll try to remember to share this once its working.