Trying to solve problem with misfiring scenes (Zooz Zen32 Scene Controller)

I am having mixed results configuring a scene controller that allows for different pressed events (KeyPressed, KeyPressednx {where n is 2-5), KeyHeldDown, and KeyReleased.

All the KeyPressed(nx) events work fine. With the KeyHeldDown, on Button 1, the KeyPressed event fires while still holding. On Button 2, the KeyPressed event when the Key is released (and KeyReleased is not even configured). In both cases, these are configured to turn the specific light groups off.

Button 3 works funnily enough when sending a switch off command.

I don’t know if this is a problem specific to lights, or if there is something overarching. Zooz support is claiming this is an HA problem. I do see that earlier in the year, others were reporting something similar but those threads went stale. Is this a known problem that still exists?

Any help would be appreciated. I’m uploading what I can think of, but can provide more as needed.

HA Version Info:
Home Assistant 2022.11.1
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221102.1 - latest

Z-wave JS Version Info:
Driver Version:
Server Version:

Scene Config:

alias: Scene 1 - Hold
description: Nanoleaf Off

  • platform: device
    device_id: 837acaac6339a1c82958bd72a1ce72f2
    domain: zwave_js
    type: event.value_notification.central_scene
    property: scene
    property_key: “001”
    endpoint: 0
    command_class: 91
    subtype: Endpoint 0 Scene 001
    value: 2
  • service: light.turn_off
    data: {}
    entity_id: light.nanoleafs
    mode: single


entity_id: automation.scene_1_hold
state: ‘on’
last_triggered: ‘2022-11-11T13:39:35.086200+00:00’
mode: single
current: 0
id: ‘1667834980028’
friendly_name: Scene 1 - Hold
last_changed: ‘2022-11-11T13:46:56.764357+00:00’
last_updated: ‘2022-11-11T13:46:56.764357+00:00’
parent_id: null
user_id: null
id: ‘0’
idx: ‘0’
alias: null
platform: device
event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
domain: zwave_js
node_id: 28
home_id: 4181370890
endpoint: 0
device_id: 837acaac6339a1c82958bd72a1ce72f2
command_class: 91
command_class_name: Central Scene
label: Scene 001
property: scene
property_name: scene
property_key: ‘001’
property_key_name: ‘001’
value: KeyHeldDown
value_raw: 2
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: ‘2022-11-11T13:50:10.662382+00:00’
parent_id: null
user_id: null
description: event ‘zwave_js_value_notification’

(light.nanoleafs are a helper group of two sets of panel lights. triggering that by itself works fine.)

What firmware do you have on your z32?

I do not see these issues but I am also automating my Zen32s through NodeRed and have all mine on the latest firmware as of 11/5/22

Instead all of my problems are firmly rooted in ZWave comms issues. :joy:

Originally10.10.1 but same with latest 10.30.2

Tell me more about your node red config? I am using that too so easy to move over if necessary.

Ended up solving this using an event to trigger instead of the device.