Trying to use Assist to control input select helper

I am struggling trying to change the option of my input select helper via HA local voice assist. I have tried as many different variations of the request and it always replies with “Sorry I couldnt understand that” I have confirmed that my helper is exposed to assist.

set office mode …

change office mode …

select office mode …

I’m not sure its possible. I’ve tried it as well, also using aliases, but I don’t think its smart enough to parse the select helpers values. I’ve even tried it with something more basic like an input boolean but that doesnt seem to work either.

There aren’t any intents for Selects or Input Selects yet, you will have to set up your own either as intents and intent scripts or by using Sentence triggers in an automation.

alias: Input Select Sentence slots
description: ""
  - platform: conversation
      - Set cold color to {color}
condition: []
  - service: input_select.select_option
      option: "{{ trigger.slots.color }}"
      entity_id: input_select.colors_cold
mode: single
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Thanks! Ill look into these. I might fiddle around with the intents just for my own education.

So far, the way I’ve been doing it for things that don’t have an intent, is to create an automation using the ‘Sentence’ trigger, adding as many ways of saying the sentence as I can think of, then create actions that are triggered by this sentence. Works well :smiley:

Have similar problem to change value of input_helper wakeuptime via VoiceAssist.
Testing via “custom sentences” but seems set input_helper is not supported (yet) :frowning:
Looking for advice/another idea…