Trying to use color extract use an Ip camera stream to change my lights

as emulated hue recently stopped due to philips discontinuing support for bridge V1 working im trying to use hyperion to stream colors to my Tuya bulbs once again.
I have the screen capture from my laptop in home assistant, and im trying to use my old color extractor from my chromecast (which is working) to build a version that takes frames from the incoming stream from hyperion and send it to my tuya lights
im stuck on the way i need to write the url where color extractor grabs the frames from.
ive rebuilt this string of code:

  color_extract_url: '{{  }}'

to the following string of code:

  color_extract_url: '{{  }}'

but im getting the following errors in my logs:

*** Error while executing automation automation.pc_to_rgb_laptop: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: ‘camera’ is undefined**
*** Error while executing automation automation.pc_to_rgb_laptop: invalid url for dictionary value @ data[‘color_extract_url’]**

I would love to learn more about this, thanks!