I’ve recently installed HAOS on my thin client, that part is all working fine. The reason I’m trying HA is to try to cut down all the faffing about with dozens of different phone & computer applications just to turn a light on at a specified time or event. I want to grow the smart home gradually.
I already have smart bulb, sockets etc and after reading quite a lot & watching many videos about HA, I thought it all sounded relatively easy for me to do. I’m not new to computers, I got my first in 1982 and have had at least 2 or 3 ever since, I love tinkering, so I decided HA was for me.
So, HAOS is installed and working fine, I’ve set up my security cameras so I have the live feeds on my dashboard along with live data from my Virgin router, it’s all going fine. Then I decided it was time to add my smart devices. After some research, I found I need the TUYA integration, so I set it up, I followed instructions from the HA site, Tuya’s site and a few videos to make sure I was doing it right. My Tuya developer account was setup and I can see my devices on my Tuya page, so I know I’ve done that bit right. Then I tried to set up the HA with my Tuya accounts and that’s where the trouble starts.
I scan the QR code from my Smart home app as the instructions say and it works, the phone app tells me I’m connected to the cloud development project, so I know that part is working fine too. The pop up in HA shows - “Enter your Smart Life or Tuya Smart user code.” - the for asks for 5 things - Country - UK, TUYA iot access ID - pasted in, Tuya iot access secret - pasted in, account - user code typed in from the phone app and password - also typed in.
Then I press submit and hey presto - login error 1106: permission deny. The HA site says the error has 3 possibilities:
1: App account not linked with cloud project - It is, I’ve checked at least a dozen times
2: Incorrect username or password - nope, I’ve checked over & over, it is right.
3: Incorrect country. - No, how would anyone get their country wrong? I’ve also tried different data centres but I know I’m on the right one.
So, there seems to be something going wrong with connecting HA to the Tuya servers & I can’t think what that might be. I’m hoping that someone in this forum might just know the answer. So please help if you can.
*Sorry this post, my first, is so long, I wanted to give background info so you know who you’re dealing with. *