TS0504A / TS0504B RGB to GRB conversion

I am experimenting a bit with led strips and I have purchased Tuya RGBW controller. Judged by the picture it is TS0504A, but zigbee2mqtt recognized and paired it as a B variant. I have realized that red and green channels are wrong. I have used different strips, so I believe it is the controller at fault. I can get desired colours by substituting the colours in the payload, i.e. 0,255,0 to get red instead of the usual 255,0,0. The problem is, that Home Assistant UI reads these colours in a standard way - the led strip is red, UI shows it green, etc.

Is there a way to amend the configuration and hardcode RGB to GRB conversion somehow?

This is ridiculous. I ordered like 20-30 of this controllers from different sellers on Aliexpress.

Surprise! 3 of them is set as GRB, rest of them RGB.

It is tough to get GRB version, but is actually show correct colors in HA.

I strongly believe there is a way to change settings somehow, but I have no clue where to start.

Ok, so it happens sometimes it seems :wink: I have rewired mine and it is now ok, but would be good if some software conversion in HA would be possible

@MarcinL how did you rewie the controller or LED strip?