TTGo T-Call - Anyone playing with this board?

I got the TTGO T-Call ESP32 board. Pretty slick board.

I’ve setup the SMS functions etc but was wondering if this board if capable of data transfer for sending MQTT messages as well?

Also, I think this is a bit of a long shot but is there any way to send a message to my HA instance without using the public IP and opening ports? Everything is on a VPN and nothing is open to the outside, plus i’m CGnated.


Data transfer? Of course it can. You can use any home assistant service including mqtt.publish.

I thought so,

Could you please give some examples on this.


Details of mqtt.publish MQTT - Home Assistant

Cool, is this possible without a VPN or port forwarding?

Is your mqtt server on a different subnet to your esp?

well my ESP is on the 2G WAN network, its not on a local network.

I didn’t know you could do that with esphome. Can you post your yaml please?

Sorry for formatting I’m on my phone.

Well I’m not doing it yet,

But I would imagine

broker: (bublic IP here)
username: livingroom
password: !secret mqtt_password

Ideally what I want is to be able to connect the esp32 via esphome to a cloudflared tunnel.

Is that possible?

I assume that was for me. How do you get a device on a 2G WAN network with esphome?


Ok maybe I could have been more clear from the start.

Can I transmit data over the 2g network?

No you can’t.

I thought maybe that GPRS was on the 2G network