I sucessfully installed ESPhome on a ESP32-based TTGO T4 with a ili9341 display. I am also able to display static text, so the display works:
- file: "fonts/consola.ttf"
id: consola_big
size: 24
clk_pin: 18
miso_pin: 12
mosi_pin: 23
- platform: ili9341
model: TFT_2.4
cs_pin: 27
dc_pin: 32
led_pin: 04 ### see note below ###
reset_pin: 05
lambda: |-
it.print(0, 10, id(consola_big), COLOR_WHITE, "Hello World!");
So far so good! But I do not understand, how to display a entitys value from home assistant. I do have for example a shelly 1pm and want to display the current power. The entity-id in ha is “sensor.shelly_1pm_solar_power”. But how do I get this data to the ESPhome? I want to print it like this:
it.printf(0, 30, id(consola_big), "Solar Power: %s", id(sensor.shelly_1pm_solar_power).state.c_str());
Could you help me?
Best regards