Ttlock support

the first pin from the right is not connected directly to the 3v of the ESP8266 but powers the gateway instead, for flashing is not possible without blocking communication with the othe MCU but I broke one gateway going that road I haven’t attempted again.

That’s interesting! Wouldn’t have expected a ESP in there!

This would make it possible to still use it with a custom firmware, which is neat.

With that said…

Can you open the Serial in putty or something? Maybe the serial logs say something?

I didn’t quite understand what you mean

Yes I can (that’s where the print screen comes from)
Altho I am using a logic analyzer like this

and what I mean is that I wasn’t able to flash another firmware using that pinout without blocking the N51802 mcu

and yes my ‘idea’ would be after having it all working we could install something like tasmota etc

Hi Botts

i have problem on the step #3, i have the user/password/token but the APP TTLOCK requires phone number or email as user.

#TTLOCK_password 5f45dfe63be56ddc1f1xxxxxxx
#TTLOCK_username homedoor_Orlandoxxxxxxx
#TTLOCK_clientId 7fe8e31xxxxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx
#TTLOCK_clientSecret 05a5xxxxxxxx7fbxxxxxxxxxx

“access_token”: “bbf1ccccc2b08d2xxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“refresh_token”: “d10accccc43949xxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“uid”: 418xxxx,
“openid”: 191334xxxx,
“scope”: “user,key,room”,
“token_type”: “Bearer”,
“expires_in”: 7702780

Best Regards

Hi Botts
i find the problem on the APP password, I was using the MD5 password format.

now i working on HA

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hello everyone,
I add some scripts at TTLockIO lib to help with the “access token” for ttlock api.
I hope that help someone.

See the instructions at readme:

Hi @Antonio_Campos, really great work! Any chance TTLock2MQTT could be made into a custom component?

I’m currently running Home Assistant on Raspbian, so I cannot install addons. Was wondering if I can simply run the add-on directly in Docker… but still figuring it out

Hey Botts, first time caller long time listener to the community. Nicely put together and even I was able to follow the instructions - but I’m just getting an error reply when trying to register new user at frist part of your step 2. Do you know if the app being registered on needs to have a status change from Under Review before it accepts ?

Yes my understanding is it needs to be approved before you will have access to the api

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Hi Botts and thank you for a very good overview. I am trying to get my TTlocks into home assistant and manage to register my user but got stocked when requesting the token.
“errcode”: 10008, “errcode”: 10008,
“errmsg”: “invalid redirect_uri”,
“description”: “redirect_uri无效,必须和应用信息里保持一致”
I have tried both with my own site ( registered to the app) and a sub-site ( but still the same issue. Do you know the requirements for the “redirect_uri”? (Sciener does not answer)

If u use port when going to your page try updating you sciener api url with port number


Thank you for the tip. I noted it was not enough to fw my subdomain to instead I used and that worked. (It was no problem to change the email address after the app had been revived.) After some work with the “Mosquitto broker” and the “TTLock2MQTT” (not so easy for me…) the HA integration is now working. Great!
The TTlock market is huge so I believe this integration could be a hit if a bit more user friendly. Thank you tonyIdo, boots, etc for your work.

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Hi guys, if anyone is interesed I developed an offline integration that can connect straight from your BLE equipped HA host to the lock: HASS Addon TTLock offline integration


Hi guys.
You have done a great job.
Now I also want to understand how to work with such locks, but a difficulty arose. I try cloud api, got tokens, but I don’t understand how to get data on locks. I registered a user, entered the program under this account on my phone. But when I make requests to get the lock id, there are no answers. Can you help?

How many entity which show in mqtt and what are their? Someone please show screenshot?

@kind3r your integration works beautifully, thank you! Is there any way to trigger automations when the lock is opened? I could not find any related entities or events. Much appreciated!

hey guys is this still working before i attempt it?

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i got it to work a few weeks ago !!!

Thanks man I’ll give it a try, I know it’s going to go wrong I can’t wait haha

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Could someone please make a easy guide?