TTN (The Things Network) Integration Fails

Hello I just configured a TTN Device but I´m getting this error in the log:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.thethingsnetwork.sensor] Error while accessing:

That device is a TTGO Lora 32 sending the string “Hello world!” every 10 minutes. I can see it in TTN Console and in swagger:

    "device_id": "hola_mundo",
    "message": "Hello, world!",
    "raw": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
    "time": "2020-06-18T09:56:08.771706913Z"

This is the configuration.yaml:

  app_id: isatten_b1
  access_key: ttn-account-v2.***myacceskey***

and this one is my sensor.yaml:

  - platform: thethingsnetwork
    device_id: hola_mundo
      message: none
      time: timestamp

Do you know why I am getting this error?

Kind regards.

Heyhey @IsaTTeN,

this link states, that underscores in app_id is not usable (because of SNI-Related certiticate issues). Try an application without _ :slight_smile:

Hi @jakob.tewes thanks for your idea. I will try it soon