TTS and media stopped working on Nest Audio Speaker, works fine on other Google Cast devices

I’ve been able to play media and TTS through Google Cast devices for a long time, but sometime in the last week or two it stopped working on just one device, a Nest Audio Speaker, even though I’ve made no changes on my end. My other Google Cast devices work fine.

A Reddit user experienced a similar issue and it seemed to have to do with his network setup:

I’ve experimented with all the integrations that seem relevant, and they all exhibit the same symptom: the Nest Audio Speaker makes a notification sound, and nothing else.

I am using a self-signed certificate for my HA instance, but I’m not sure how that would lead to the symptoms I’m observing. I am connected to Nabu Casa.

Integrations I’ve tried, all of which exhibit the same behavior (works on Google Cast devices other than the Google Nest Audio)

  • tts.google_translate_say
  • tts.speak using tts.google_cloud
  • tts.speak using tts.home_assistant_cloud
  • tts.cloud_say
  • google_assistant_sdk.send_text_command
  • media_play.play_media

Ideas on how to diagnose / fix?

Check your logs, if i had to guess the self signed certificate is causing issues. It would probably show an error as unreachable.

Google devices are hard coded to use and regardless.