TTS - attributes


i would like to ask you.
I have integration which download public bus transport timetable from one bus stop with a lot of attributes -

I would like to play via TTS these info from attributes:

Arrival timestamp (scheduled) and Delay minutes.
One problem is that this integration download all buses from one stop and i need play via TTS only for bus line 214

I would like to have something like this via TTS:

Bus has delay XX min besdie normal time XX.

Can you help me please ? Thank you so much.

You can access the value of an attribute by using: {{ state_attr(‘sensor.entity’, ‘attribute’}}. To find out what attributes an entity has, go to the Developer Tools on the front end, then the “States” tab.

See here: Templating - Home Assistant

thank you so much.
Sorry for my basic question, but i’m not very good at this :-/

How i can show attribute delay ? But just minutes value ?

and i need show this value only if state is only number 214…