Tts cache not working

I have installed the TTS component for use with Polly. It works flawless as long as it is online. But what I dont understand is how the cache works. I have cache true and a path to the folder where to save. But it seems that all messages are created new everytime and not reused from the cache. How should this work. The files are saved in the folder

Did you get anywhere with this @Yuran? I have the same problem.

Looking at the cache filenames generated there is a subtle difference when comparing 2 files that have the same audio:


I’m not sure what these number represent but perhaps the difference is why the cache isn’t used?

I have not had time to investigate more but I will get to it. My idea is to only create the messages once and then use the saved one. That way I dont have to be online with HA

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Any update ? Same problem here …