TTS causes media player album art "bounce"

I’ve got several Sonos, chromecast, and AppleTV media player entities in my config and everything seems to work with one annoying exception. If I enter some text for TTS, or one my scripts calls the TTS service, the corresponding media player’s “album art” gets caught in this loop of shrinking and growing on the interface. It doesn’t stop until I replace the input of that media player with some other media such as a radio station. It makes the interface difficult to use because the card is displacing others as it rapidly resizes. Has anyone else encountered this, and is there a fix?


For reference, here’s a gif of what I’m experiencing:

I have the same issue - but it pretty much does it all the time (not initiated by TTS or scripts).
Would also like to know if there is a fix

Same here! Is there a way to disable all album art?

I am have the same issue. I really would like to have the Movie cover art disabled with my Apple TV.

Same issue; however there is no trigger that I can discern - it happens from the minute HASS starts

EDIT: Just to be clear, I dont use TTS at all

Anyone figure anything out on this? I rebuilt my setup over the weekend to make sure that wasnt the problem, but it didnt help

My understanding is that this will never be fixed… At least to the extent that album art will never be an option but will be forced on you. Because… media?? I don’t know.

Same experience here, my panels are jumping all over the place. I’ve disabled the TTS capability with no results. The behavior appears to be linked to media players which have media queued up (either playing or paused) but which have no associated cover art. TTS media would fit this profile which might explain why people are experiencing it there.

Media players without media currently selected don’t experience this issue, and media players currently playing/paused with cover art are OK as well. I am a new hass user so this is a fresh install on 48.1. My media players are all Sonos, manually added by IP (discovery disabled). The behavior appears on a Chrome browser under Windows 10 using the Web UI and also in the IOS app on an iPad.

The behavior as it exists renders the UI nearly unusable as things are jumping all over the place as the cards expand and contract every few seconds.

edit: issue tracker link for this problem.

I’ve recorded a video of the behavior as an example:

This issue persists on 49.1, and for me it is isolated to media without cover art and appears unrelated to TTS being enabled.

It looks like a fix has been submitted for the TTS issue by simply disabling album art for TTS media. Unfortunately, that only handles TTS. For tracks without album art this is presumably still going to be a problem. This behavior is crazy annoying.

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