TTS for Siri devices (iPhone, HomePod, etc.)

I don’t know if it’s technically possible, because of the restrictions of apple, but it would be nice to be able to send tts-messages to siri devices.

Regarding to another post this is already possible with applte tv, when you set it up as a mediaplayer.

For alexa and ha it is already possible to ask alexa something. This triggers an automation and this triggers a tts to last called alexa device.
Would be nice to have the same for siri devices.

In a perfect case it should not make any difference which device I ask (iphone, homepod, mac, ipad), it should answer on the device you asked the question.

As I said I don’t know if this is even possible, as this would mean setting up those devices as mediaplayers in ha.

So I managed to find a work around after notting getting the OwnTone method to work or even install on my Mac.

If you follow this method to create Siri talking and how to get HomePod to automate to play a sound file…

You can then customise it to do any announcements you can think off.

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