TTS , Google home, HTTPS and loopback. Help!

My router does not allow loopback so i can’t access Https:// setup from my internal network. I can only access it via Https:// which is fine for most things (despite browser moaning).

If I use TTS the file is created. I can access it internally but Google home will not play the file, for example, . I am assuming this is because there is a certificate mismatch.

Is there anyway of turning off https for internal access only? Or saving the file elsewhere?

Any ideas or help would be helpful.



I think this is the same issue I have. Did you ever figure it out @Wayne_Williamson?

Figured it out - I was able to enable NAT loopback on my router

What can I do if my router does not support NAT Loopback and locked DNS settings? is there any work around so that Google Home can Text to Speak?

Hey, I figured it out it was the syntax of the base url when I dropped the https:// everything start to work!

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Anyone figured how to to this with a router without NAS loopback capability?

Have you managed it?
My config:
No NAT loopback/hairpin available & DNS locked on router from IPS


  • TTS not working
  • HA not working from local network via SSL link

Preferred solution:
Keep IPS’s router (without investing to the new one with NAT capability together with IPS’s router in bridge mode)