Just exactly that. tts.google_say will only say the word Hello and only if it is spelled and Capitialized exactly like that.
This is a new thread because the old one was mainly about playing music. Maybe they are related. I don’t know.
- platform: google
Hope someone can help or point me to some docs to read.
P.S. I just tried ‘Hi’ and that worked as well. But ‘hi’, ‘ho’, ‘hey’, ‘Ho’ and ‘Hey’ do not.
Is there a list of words google_say will only speak somewhere?
Well, now Google don’t say squat.
I found the two .mp3 files that it created a few hours ago. One said ‘Hi’ and the other said ‘Hello’. So I deleted them
Restarted Hassio and now it doesn’t say anything and no .mp3 files are created anywhere on the system.
This is a Pi 3B+ running 0.91.2