So, first off: English is not my native language, just so you know if i get something wrong.
I’m not a very experienced user off Home assitant but im trying to play around with tts.google_translate_say and automations.
im using RP3 and hassio 0.95.4
My problem is that i cant get tts.google_translate_say to “speak”
This is the script (generated in the UI of Home assistant)
- id: '1562575938832'
alias: tts test
- entity_id: switch.magnet_1_2
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data:
language: sv
message: testar lite för att se om den skapar tts filen.
entity_id: media_player.bedroom_speaker
service: tts.google_translate_say
I’ve tried the both
message: testar lite för att se om den skapar tts filen.
message: “testar lite för att se om den skapar tts filen.”
When you fire the automation, look at the state of the entity in the states, copy the URL that was just added to the attributes. Paste that into your browser. If you hear the file, you know it’s there and connecting, but what you may need to do is set the base URL in the google translate configuration to override the base url of your HA setup.
I’m running, have SSL setup (hopefully correctly) and my HA base_url is the entire URL ( with the port number, and the port (as well as port 443 and 80) is forwarding on my router to the host.
No problem. It’s usually something dumb like that, but every time there’s a problem, I think, “Gee, I must be too stupid to figure this out.” lol. Have a great day!
And i must say that you explanation was really easy to understand (since im non english speaking and not very used to home assistant)
[And yes, i feel stupid alot of times trying to figure this out]
I am having the same problem for quite a while.
I checked the media_content_id that is assigned to the smart speaker (a Google Home Mini) and I noticed that it is refering to my local IP and not to my duckdns domain.
For all due purposes, the URL with the local IP is accessible, but it will not match the SSL certificate domain. Could this be the reason for the speaker to fail playing the audio?
Thanks for the solution in this thread. I had problems with a TTS sequence in Node-RED, which had worked previously. But that was probably before I had started tinkering with SSL.