TTS language in the UI just changed?

You know the UI when you pick a media player where you can write text to be announced in the speaker!
It just changed from swedish to english, without any configuration changes. I dont belive i’ve seen any breaking change either?
In the UI it also says en-US, cant say I’ve seen that before.
What can I do to return its default translation to Swedish?

  - platform: google_translate
    service_name: google_say
    time_memory: 300
    language: 'sv'
    cache: False

i have the very same problem, did you find a solution?

Nope. I have double checked my config and release notes but have not found anything that I could try.

Same problem :unamused: tried all the suggestions I could find, but nothing seems to work :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: the strange thing is it worked for a couple of weeks without any issues and was used a lot here!

I have searched around because I wanted a better voice in french and just

  - platform: google_translate
    language: fr

did the trick for me

Does not seem to work for me :frowning:

  - platform: google_translate
    language: nl

OK stupid me after reading the manual, github issues a little better :wink: this works for me with the Mini Media Player card ( always thought it was using the global config but it seems you can change this directly for the card itself and that works for me!
I could not find yet a solution for the default media card, but because I only use the more superior custom custom Mini Media Player card (highly recommended) this fixes it for me!

                    entity: media_player.sonos_bureau
                      platform: google_translate
                      language: nl

I’ve got the same problem with the default media player card with SONOS. Anybody solved the problem? I’m on Home Assistant 0.112.0

How did it go? Did you solve this issue?

I’m using ReversoTTS (GitHub - rt400/ReversoTTS-HA: ReversoTTS component for HomeAssistant) works great with a TTS notification automation, script and my speakers now

I also created a simple thing to send message with different TTS services (Reverso, Nabu Casa) this way I can use different languages son loves that and learns from it :wink: