TTS message with text values based on numerical sensor

Hi all,
I am trying to get Text-To-Speech on Alexa Media Player to read out information from my weather station.

I am stuck on converting a number to a direction text, I have got similar working in template cards but I do not fully understand how to do it here.

Is there syntax I’m missing or is it not supported?

service: notify.alexa_media_kitchen_echo_dot
    type: tts
  message: >-
    The temperature is {{
    states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_temperature') }} degrees celsius, 
    humidity is {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_humidity') }} percent
    and wind speed is {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_wind_speed') }} kilometers an hour,
    in  {{(% set bearing=states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_wind_direction_bearing') | int %)
			(% if bearing == 0 %)
			(% elif bearing == 45 %)
				North East
			(% elif bearing == 90 %)
			(% elif bearing == 135 %)
				South East
			(% elif bearing == 180 %)
			(% elif bearing == 225 %)
				South West
			(% elif bearing == 270 %)
            (% elif bearing == 315 %)
				North West
			(% else %)
				Unknown }} direction.
    {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_total_rain') }} millimetres of rain in the past minute
    and total rain has been {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_total_rain') }} millimetres.
  message: >
    The temperature is {{ states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_temperature') }} degrees celsius, 
    humidity is {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_humidity') }} percent,
    and wind speed is {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_wind_speed') }} kilometers an hour,  in a
    {% set bearing=states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_wind_direction_bearing') | int %}
    {% if bearing == 0 %}
    {% elif bearing == 45 %}
      North East
    {% elif bearing == 90 %}
    {% elif bearing == 135 %}
      South East
    {% elif bearing == 180 %}
    {% elif bearing == 225 %}
      South West
    {% elif bearing == 270 %}
    {% elif bearing == 315 %}
      North West
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
    {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_total_rain') }} millimetres of rain in the past minute
    and total rain has been {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_total_rain') }} millimetres.

I noticed you used tabs instead of spaces in some places too. Do not do that. yaml does not like it. Spaces only.

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Omg :sweat_smile:, it was just indentation. I thought it was the complete structure being wrong.
Thank you for the clarification on my mistake.

Well it was that too. You were using (% %) instead of {% %} for your statements.

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Yes, that too.

I’ve managed to also get values for rain in now :slight_smile: , thank you again Tom.

 message: >
    The temperature is {{ states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_temperature') }} degrees celsius, 
    humidity is {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_humidity') }} percent,
    and wind speed is {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_wind_speed') }} kilometers an hour,  in a
    {% set bearing=states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_wind_direction_bearing') | int %}
    {% if bearing == 0 %}
    {% elif bearing == 45 %}
      North East
    {% elif bearing == 90 %}
    {% elif bearing == 135 %}
      South East
    {% elif bearing == 180 %}
    {% elif bearing == 225 %}
      South West
    {% elif bearing == 270 %}
    {% elif bearing == 315 %}
      North West
    {% else %}
    {% endif %} direction.
    {% if states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_rain') | float > 0 %}
      There has been {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_total_rain') }} millimetres of rain in the past minute
      and total of {{states('sensor.weather_station_esp32_station_total_rain') }} millimetres.
    {% else %}
      With no rain in the past minute.
    {% endif %}
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Funny: we are using tech to know if it has been raining! :crazy_face:

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is this still working with the latest 2024.8.2 version
