TTS on homepod mini

Tried it, but my HA restarts following TTS on Homepod mini.
Any setting I have missed?

it seems like it’s broken again since the latest update.

I am currently also looking for a solution

For me it is working. Do not forget to set up TTS service base URL correctly: Text-to-Speech (TTS) - Home Assistant

Can you share your config? @XSA



  • platform: google_translate
    cache: true
    cache_dir: /tmp/tts
    time_memory: 300
    base_url: https://your_HA_address
    service_name: google_say

Does it work with HA 2022.3.8? Installed it and it gound my apple tv but nothing happens when i try to send tts to it … :frowning: any suggestions?

I just set it up under HA 2022.5.1. I’m using node-red to send the message. You can test it in HA by going to settings (used to be configuration) and then Home Assistant Cloud. There you will a Text to Speech section where you can run a test. To see my HomePods, I had to add them to HA.

Sorry to bump this thread. I have added a HomePod Mini this weekend and it’s working just fine. Perhaps to topic starter can mark the issue as solved? So others won’t think it’s still not working?

Whats your config. Mine is not working at all, I have like 5 homepods. But TTS works to non-apple devices. What other steps did you take to get it run?

how can I do this ? Is their a checkbox for solved ?

It is simply working for me, just a call tts.google_translate_say service, and set entity_id on the homepod mini. Nothing else needed!

Not working anymore. After the last two HomePod fw release media control (stop, set volume) not working, service Google say 30% of the cases successful.