TTS on Nest Hub


Sorry, new to this stuff…

I put this in my configuration.yaml file :

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
    cache: true
    cache_dir: /tmp/tts
    time_memory: 300
    service_name: google_say

But when trying this :

  - service: tts.google_say
      entity_id: media_player.nest_hub_living
      message: Hello everyone !

No sound…only a streaming icon on the screen.

Can someone help me out, please ?

Service name looks wrong;

service: tts.google_translate_say
  entity_id: media_player.floor
  message: "May the force be with you."

I don’t have that service available ?

Only these 2 :

Schermafbeelding 2022-02-06 084437

You are right, you have overridden it under tts configuration as google_say, i missed it.

Should I ommit it for playing on a google nest hub ?

No, it won’t cause an issue, you can keep it like that.

Can you also try to add language option to your service call? Example below;

service: tts.google_say
  entity_id: media_player.floor
  message: "test message"
  language: "en"


There just a text showing up (I cann’t read it, it’s too fast) and then the icon.

Sorry, i am out of options. Let’s hope someone elde with nest hub can help.

Look into the cache directory, if there are any files.
If so you probably have issues with casting.
If not you probably have issues with the TTS service.

Film the message to read it. It might have something useful to say :wink:

I changed this :

cache_dir: /config/www/tts

Good tips !

When testing there is a file in this directory and on the screen apears shortly “Default media receiver afspelen” (playing on default receiver). I tried to play it on an audio chromecast I have here, but same thing.
Playing music on these devices works fine.