TTS Output Options

Hi, I spent the past few days fighting to get a bluetooth media player setup to output my TTS (see link below) to a BT speaker I had. Finally got it working, but then I figured out that my BT speaker and HASS server don’t have the range I need based on where I want the speaker. I don’t have any other media_players right now.

My question is, I do have some old rasberry pis and pi zeros. Is there a way I could basically use them as a “reciever” for my TTS output? (With a speaker of course). I’d love to have my TTS output in a few locations without having to buy anything too expensive.

I have a script that speaks text received by MQTT. I have it running on my Ubuntu desktop, but It would almost certainly run on the Pi, with appropriate packages installed.

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Interesting, something like that would be perfect but I’d rather use the amazon or google tts to actually do the TTS processing. I guess I could swap out the code you are using and find a python client for Amazon Polly -OR- let the amazon polly tts on HASS create the mp3 and use a shared filesystem to let the other device play it.

I was just thinking couldn’t I setup a second HASS (perhaps system on a pi that is used just to process API calls to the TTS service? Would that make sense or is just smarter to install a pi OS and create an MQTT that receives messages and plays the audio?

You probably could, but it doesn’t make sense to me. Using HA just as an MQTT client seems a waste of resources.

But then it doesn’t make sense to me to send personal information to google either, so I’m probably not the best person to advise you.

By coincidence, this thread just got revived, which may be of more interest to you