TTS Platform setting in Confif.Yaml

Currently its set to the default of google_translate…

I dont own any Google devices… but I do have Echos… and I have the HACS Alexa integration installed and working… should I change this setting?

I’ve find nothing in the instructions…

Thanks in advance…

What … nobody? LOL

Do you have any problem with your current tts functionality?

I’m not sure lol

I do know that I used to be able (in a previous installation… I’m recovering from a SD Card failure) to type into a card linked to Alexa media player to send announcements to the targeted Echo… that functionality is “missing”…

How would I test TTS?

I did a quick test…

service: tts.google_translate_say
  entity_id: all
  message: "May the force be with you."

This causes an announcement across all echos saying that TTS is only available via the notify.alexa_media service
while this works perfectly…

service: notify.alexa_media
    type: tts
  message: Hello how are you
  target: media_player.office_echo

Which makes me think that the line in config is either not needed… or wrong.
If wrong whats the replacement for “google_translate” in the config…

I wouldn’t say it’s wrong but rather that Alexa doesn’t Google :wink:

LOL… Thats true…

So I’ve commented the TTS line in the config… I see no changes…