TTS to google home group

Hello all,

Got an interesting issue here and wondering if anyone might be able to help. With appdaemon I have set up a custom sound module to play audio on my google home devices. However I would like to play audio on several devices at once (say an alarm alert). I can easily do this creating a device group in the google home app and then calling that media device in home assistant however volume is my issue here. I use a call to get the state of each devices current volume, call my tts at the volume I want, then set the volume back. However it seems as though the google home devices default to an off state after a bit of time and there for when I query the current volume I get None returned. Anyone know how I can reliably get the current volume status of a google home device during this process? I have tried just turning the device on before making the call to get the current volume but that doesn’t seem to work either (I think there is to much delay between the call to turn the device on an the call to query the volume and the amount of time for the device to actually turn on and set its volume state).