TTS - tuning, not working :)

Hi there,

first thanx for a new release. TTS is something I really need for a longer time, coz I need to scare all the thieves, kids and my wife.

Anyway, there are some problems I found: I’m trying to follow this guide:
So I have just this in my config:

# Text-to-Speech (TTS)
  - platform: google

When I launch HA, I’ll try to test it via Dev Tools / Services.
I choose domain=tts but there is no platform_say call available, there are only these two: clear_cache and google_say

So should I use google_say?

The second problem I’m trying to solve is to play sound via the same RPi on which is HA running, but I didn’t found a way how to do it. I installed Music Player Daemon (MPD) but when I try to test it: it will generate an error in my log:
16-12-18 09:48:30 homeassistant.components.media_player.mpd: Invalid media type. Expected: playlist

Anny clues how to solve this? Does it mean that MPD can play playlists only and not sounds from TTS?


I don’t have a Google Home but the following does work on my ChromeCast. It’s not as elegant since it stops whatever is playing to switch and play the audio. It should work on the Home as well.

added to configuration.xml

  - platform: google
    cache: true
    cache_dir: /tmp/tts
    time_memory: 300

my script yaml file… speech_test.yaml

- service: tts.google_say
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_2
    message: "This is a test."

Hi, newb here,

Can you explain how to test this in developer tools/services (how to put service data in tts/google_say ??

This is sooo cool :))))

Is this possible also with Alexa?

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It work perfect on google home too its great :-))))))))