You can use volume with media_player.play_media. Ensure the URL for media_content_id uses the correct TTS service. In the documentation’s example, it uses “cloud” which is Nabu Casa’s TTS service.
Do you have a Nabu Casa account and is your Home Assistant system connected to it?
Because, as explained in my previous post, this URL uses Nabu Casa’s TTS service.
media-source://tts/cloud?message="I am very loud"
Nabu Casa's TTS service
If you are using Google Translate for TTS, then you would specify it like this:
media-source://tts/google_translate?message="I am very loud"
Google Translate TTS service
Which TTS service are you using? If it’s Google Translate, replace cloud with google_translate in the URL (I tested it and confirmed it works on my system).
When tts is ready, the music volume will first increase and then return to the original level. Can I also go to the original level immediately after the TTS? Or turn the volume up for tts only.
service: chime_tts.say
metadata: {}
tts_speed: 100
tts_pitch: 0
message: Dit is een test!
tts_platform: tts.google_nl_nl
language: nl
gender: female
volume_level: 0.2
announce: true
entity_id: media_player.kantoor
Have been setting up a daily dose of dad jokes announcemnts in our house. All working good but for some reason when calling the TTS action the volume drops , so the joke is not very loud
Have tried setting speaks tk max volume before TTS : is there a config setting for TTS for sound I need to set as well?
YAML below : some elements are me testing the sound levels via different TTS…