TTS when coming home giving summary of missed events while away

Once a person comes home, a TTS service shall give a summary of all missed events while away.

„Welcome home Steve. Here‘s a list of missed events: one missed call, the washing machine has finished, the dish washer has finished, you have got mail so go check your inbox, etc.“

What I have:

  • this rough plan (not really a concept yet)
  • TTS service
  • persistent notifications storing all events
  • a bit of automation and a bit of templating skills (very little)

What I need:

  1. How to access / iterate all existing persistent notifications and exfiltrate their content?
  2. How to count persistent notifications to summarize e. g. „there were 3 missed calls“ instead of „there was a missed call from Anna, there was a missed call from Bob, there was a missed call from Lucifer“ etc.?
  3. How to get the time a person has left the home?
  4. How to access the creation time of persistent notifications to decide when to start to build the TTS content queue? (there might be older persistent notifications from the time the person was still home, those are irrelevant)

Last thoughts:

  • I could not find a blueprint for this so I decided to build this on my own - with the help of this awesome community.
  • Basically it’s about building a list of missed events.

Hopefully you can help me by e. g. answering above questions so I can create a draft with all those puzzle parts.

How to? Give me input. Or is nobody doing things like this?