TTS with Logitech Media Server LMS > unable to open playlist

My Setup -
Homeassistant docker core 2024.2.1
Logitech Media Server LMS on docker 9.0.0
LMS TTS Notify 0.3.15

Problem -
Logitech Player shows an error "cannot open file for http://192.168.1.x:8123/api....../xxxxx.m3u

The playlist and the referenced mp3 files in it actually -do- exist (e.g. if I play the playlist through the browser, things work just fine…)

The problem remains, regadless of whether I use Say a TTS message with google_translate or the third party plugin above.

LMS has been configured with playlists folder being mapped to the docker volume

Problem persists whether I use squeezebox radio (“baby”) or Picoreplayer

I have tried for days to get this to work, with no success. SHall be very grateful for pointers.

Problem seems to be related to the minimum length of TTS message. THis is the shortest message that gets played

“This is home assistant. This is an important message for you. Please remember to turn off water. This is home assistant. This is an important message for you. Please Remember to turn off water”

For the record, if anyone else needs.

The basic problem seems to be that the mp3 message should be sufficiently long otherwise squeezebox players don’t accept it.
One simple way to make a mp3 message longer is to append the text with dots…
“This is Home Assistant…(about 100 dots).” so that the minimum length is attained.