Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

Thanks for replying @jerrm, I pretty much echo what you said, though setting up z2m on the host connected to a wired Ethernet coordinator would sever pretty well and shouldn’t be too difficult to set up.

Matter with Thread and border routers will solve this issue for a lot of people. It will be here at some point. I have experimented with using the PoE coordinator hardware with as a stand-alone thread border router, and it seemed to work.


Thanks to you both

@jerrm I hear you on the wi-fit devices bit but I really want custom Zigbee access so I can get fuller use from things like Hue Tap, Tradfri switches and Aqara cube so looks likes Z2M is definitely the way to go,

I’ve sugessted z2m as a second net before as well. I run both ZHA and Z2M myself. But if all he needed were something like a couple of bulbs and a door sensor, wifi might be less trouble.

Like as said, depending on the number and type of devices…

Agree z2m would be the better path for all that.

Just be prepared there are differences between the two integrations. I personally prefer z2m, but am the first to admit there are things ZHA does better. I keep both running.

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FYI, the upcoming 2022.9 version of Home Assistant will feature a new UI and backend/core functions for the ZHA integration to export/save or import/restore Zigbee network ZHA backup images from within Home Assistant’s UI (in the GUI for the ZHA integration) which should make migrations between ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT or vice versa relatively easy. This is made possible since ZHA and Z2M already use support the same “Open ZigBee Coordinator Backup Format” standard that was developed in collaboration between ZHA/zigpy and Zigbee2MQTT developers.

Update! No mention of Z2M but release is now available → 2022.9: Home Assistant Birthday Release! - Home Assistant


Ive just updated the firmware on my tubes coordinator from 20210120 to 20220219.
I’m using the latest Home assistant 2022.9.1 i disabled zha whilst doing the firmware.

Then when i restarted zha after upgrading the firmware it said (initialising, from what i remember, it was so fast)
I was expecting to have to use the new migrate function, but no zha must have seen the coordinator on the same ip addres and automatically uploaded the backup.

Everything works as it was.

Got to say this coordinator hasnt failed me once in the year that ive had it.

Just thought id shared incase anyone is nervous about upgrading firmware, i know i was, but i thought id give it a go now HA makes automatic backups.


Awesome! I’ve seen this same behavior with an efr32 coordinator as well - some how I blanked my production coordinator while trying a new fw build and HA just restored my backup at start and I was good to go with no issues.


Hi! Just got my order of Tube coordinator and two routers, they are very nicely built, thank you! I’m running in an error trying to activate ZHA integration in my HA.

In HA I get “Unknown error” after pause (logs show lost serial connection):

* Error doing job: Exception in callback SerialTransport._call_connection_lost(None)
* Error doing job: Exception in callback SerialTransport._call_connection_lost(SerialExcepti...disconnected'))

In the coordinator’s web UI i see following debug logs:

[D][serial_server:103]: New client connected from
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'TubesZB Gateway Serial Connected': Sending state ON
[D][serial_server:042]: Not accepting new connection from, only one client allowed
[D][serial_server:068]: Client disconnected
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'TubesZB Gateway Serial Connected': Sending state OFF

I tried what you recommended earlier (turn coordinator off, reboot HA, turn coordinator on, get tube-zb-gw-cc2652p2-v2 discovered automatically in devices, hit ‘Configure’) repeatedly, but the result is the same every time. I physically turned off every single zigbee device in my home, no changes.

Could you please recommend something?
PS: the device is connected through ethernet.

what device is, it’s already establishing a connection, so something on it mush be connecting.

It’s an old MacBook Pro running homeassistant in the VirtualBox VM. When I run netstat on it, I can’t see any sign of connection established. (I probably do something wrong, so any advice will be appreciated)

Double check that neither zha or zigbee2mqtt is already running. Check addon for z2m and the integrations page for zha.

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Double checked. No zigbee-ralated addons installed. The only ZHA in integrations is this automatic zeroconf card I can do nothing with. It goes away if I turn coordinator off and reload home assistant. Other way there’s no deletion button

And on the coordinator web ui it shows the serial as connected?

This is stumping me. Can you share your ha log file you can dm it to me

No, it shows it disconnected.

Is your only HA instance?


Following up on @adworse case, we got it working, but also tracked down a bug in the current ZHA Config Flow for network connected coordinators. I have a fix via adding 2 lines to the code if any one needs. Zigpy (Library ZHA uses is getting a rework for the next HA release which should also fix this (and bring faster tcp connections to the cc2652 like efr32/Bellows go last release).

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Looks like I’m currently facing the same issue (or maybe other issues).

The gateway (UPDATED: the circular POE version) is dropping serial connections. Also trying to flash the CC2652P with new firmware, as I’ve been experiencing troubles with my zigbee network after moving.

The gateway was working stellar before the move, so I just started working through the debugging process. After removing the gateway from HA, I’m unable to add it again (“Failed to connect” error) and it seems like the cc2538-bsl flasher is timing out each time I’m trying to flash because of the drop of serial connection:


Opening port socket://, baud 500000
Reading data from CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20220219.hex
Your firmware looks like an Intel Hex file
Connecting to target...
ERROR: Timeout waiting for ACK/NACK after 'Synch (0x55 0x55)'

Which device do you have. have you flashed an updated esphome version at all to the esp32 side of the coordinator?

Sorry! Forgot to mention that :sweat_smile: Using the circular POE version.

I flashed the latest binary from github before trying to update the CC2652P.

I’ve also been having troubles with my gateway not transferring any data after a reboot on the ethernet port (Unifi gear), even though the POE switch detects a POE draw on the port. The fix has been to flash the esphome firmware again. I must say that my main suspect of fault in that case, is my Unifi setup though, and not the tubezb gateway