Turn a double switch into up/down switch

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to Home Assistant but am already quite happy with what it can do.
I am using HA mainly to manage my Zigbee Devices. (Raspberry 4 with Rasbee 2 using ZHA)

As I wasn’t able to find switches for Blinds/Shutters (which don’t require a neutral wire) I just bought 2-button switches to control my shutters. It works but it is not very user friendly. Each button is just a switch and does not turn off if the other is activated and stays on etc.

I found that I could define a button/entity as shutter. But doing so for both of the buttons just creates two shutter entities where I have to click on “up” on each to either descend or rise the shutters. The downwards arrow is grayed out and stays grayed out on both. (see screenshot)

My question is: is there a way to put both shutter entities together so that i can tap on up, for up and down for down? If yes how would a newbie achieve this?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Hast du dafür schon eine Lösung gefunden? Habe die Aqara Relay Controller im Einsatz und nun umgezogen auf Home Assistant. Jetzt habe ich das gleiche Problem. Wäre es möglich mit einem Helfer das “Cover” Gerät mit 2 Schaltern zu erstellen?

Does somebody have a solution for this issue already? Is there a way with a helper to create the “cover” device by 2 switches?

Leider nein…

Not is not fully related, but this blueprint provides the same up/down functionality as you describe here…

It’ll need some customization, but i think it is doable

Hast du den relay controller direkt per Zigbee Stick gepaart oder noch über das xiaomi gateway (wie ich)? Evtl hat man mehr Optionen wenn es direkt über zigbee2mqtt gepaart wird?
Der link hilft mir leider nicht, da geht es nur um Wandschalter glaub ich