I have a humidity sensor in my bathroom and the light/extractor fan set through a smart switch. I want to set it so that whenever the humidity gets above 60% it turns the fan on, and when it drops below 55% it’ll turn it off again.
The only way I’ve found of doing this so far is to have two separate automations defined, one to turn it on and one to turn it off, with the appropriate values set as triggers.
There must be a simpler way of doing this. My solution works although it’s a really ghetto way of doing it. Can anyone think of a better way that means fewer automations?
Here’s what I was able to do. The one thing I can’t figure out is how to elegantly handle the different schedules. I used the schedule from 06:00 to 21:30. For that reason, you may decide this isn’t good enough to replace your two automations.
Anyway, it was an interesting little exercise! I might look at it again tomorrow and add conditions to the action section so it can handle the different schedules … but then it starts to get clumsier than simply having two separate automations.
BTW, in case you thought the following trigger might be possible, it’s not.