"Turn all lights on/off" also triggers hidden lights on/off

So I got a Zigbee powerstrip, that somehow says all switches are lights.

As far as I am concerned, the solution for this is using template switches from the helpers section. This serves basically as a wrapper over the light and basically creates a switch that mirrors the light.

I’ve done this. Cool. Then there’s this toggle in the control configuration that allows you to “hide it” from Home Assistant. The description of that toggle even states

Hidden entities will not be shown on your control panel nor included when referenced indirectly (i.e., through an area or device). Their history is still tracked, and you can still interact with them through actions.

or something very similar (I translated it).

I was convinced this was it. I thought that “turn off all the lights” basically meant “turn off all the lights in all areas”, and as I had disabled its visibility within the area… yeah, maybe it’s stretching it a bit.

The thing is… I literally created the “virtual” switches because I didn’t want these controls to be treated as lights. But they are being treated as lights anyway, so…

What can I do? Is there a solution for this?

Here’s the device info, if anyone is interested:


Oh, well, it just takes writing it all down to figure out the issue.

I wish there was a bit more visibility of this, but the trick is to disable exposure to voice assistants on the light configuration itself. That’s it. Done.

So basically, it’s 2 toggles that you have to turn off, not just the “Visibility” one.