Turn an ESP8266 WemosD1Mini into an audio notifier for Home Assistant: Play MP3, TTS & RTTL


I said the video was well produced.

Exactly, if you’re not interested, don’t watch, and go to the links instead. Simple. No need to whine about it.

The problem you have to go to youtube to get the links. That is the part I object to.


I added suport for a custom MQTT topic in the setup portal - check my gitlab page for source code.

Thanks for sharing @MrDIY!

I already have several dfplayer/esphome devices in use… this would have been a neat alternative had it come out sooner, lol. It is cool being able to update mp3 files from HA, unlike dfplayer (yeah I suppose one could config to transfer files from HA to the df sd, but meh). What kind of latency are ppl typically getting?

Lol, regarding the video I haven’t even started clicking anything yet, but there are a lot of ways to force a click here/there for ad revenue. Not saying that is what is going on here, but that sort of thing is generally frowned upon by the open source community. That is all I have to say about that.

Very Interesting!
Thanks for your wonderful code.
I flashed the firmware into a tiny ESP-01S module and play mp3&tts successfully!

The relay module is not related, I just use the power source~

Thanks again!


Any chance of uploading a new bin file with this change in it?

Yes, I uploaded a bin file version that allows you to define the custom MQTT topic in the setup portal.

Here is the link to download it:


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Can you share your configuration?

Hi Cao_Hoa, what configuration are you refering to?

hello MrDIY
Your configuration file
This is my configuration

  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: “mrdiynotifier / status”
    name: “Player-local”

you give me your configuration please

Hi, I don’t have a configuration. I used the automation to send the audio directly using MQTT. You can see my example at https://youtu.be/SPa9SMyPU58?t=250

If you are looking to configure an MQTT mediaplayer, then I don’t think that is supported by the curent HA version - maybe someone can correct me here.

If you just want to have a status sensor then you can use this:

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "/mrdiynotifier/status"
    name: "MrDIY Player"

Someone just added a custom component for a mqtt media player. Media Player as MQTT

ok thanks
I will try to flash it again

nice project!!
any possibility to integrate it within esphome?

i have made 3 of these. they work perfectly however when nothing is playing i tent to get some crackle/clicking sounds through my speakers. anyone else get this and if so any ideas on a fix?

I have that as well… the author has said to look into this…

do you mean the author is going to look into it?