Turn an ESP8266 WemosD1Mini into an audio notifier for Home Assistant: Play MP3, TTS & RTTL

Yes that…

Troubleshooting and fixing noise is tricky: wires, soldering job, ICs quality, amp, ground loops, EM Interferences …etc.

One option is to try an external DAC. James updated my code to support external I2S DAC (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3006). He was also reporting a pop at the beginning of each audio play and that eliminated it.

The new code is here if you want to give that try https://gitlab.com/MrDIYca/mrdiy-audio-notifier/-/blob/master/esp8266_mrdiy_mqtt_local_notifier.ino

Hi blademckain, not anytime soon unfortunately.

Yes have that pop also. How to connect that dac to d1 mini?

James has documented his I2S DAC setup on his github here.

Of course it’s awesome.and the best of all it works like a champ ,as a google tts announcer.no more static mp3 files

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This looks great. I have been enjoying your youtube videos BTW. Curious if you have tried implementing this as a custom component via ESP home rather than tasmota such that the service can be called directly without MQTT?


Got it working using your instructions but also getting the static that others have mentioned…
…will keep playing with it.

The only answer to that is to use an external DAC.

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I2S DAC is the way to go as tom mentioned.

I am currently working on a wemos d1 mini audio shield that uses an I2S DAC but I am having issues with the soldering - so small. If things workout, I might make a video about it.

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Do you have an electric hot plate?

If so, buy a solder paste dispensing needle (or use a toothpick). Put the paste on the pads, position the components and reflow solder them using the hotplate.

Nope, I was hoping I can get away with soldering it … paste it is.

Hot air gun?

Yes, I just bought one waiting for the paste to arrive.

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please do. i love all your videos they are amazing!!!

Hello, the project I am looking for but the sound sounds very bad.Sound Understandable , but there is a lot of noise. Do you have a suggestion?

I use Esp8266 + PAM8403

Love this project, perfect solution for offline alerts at my elderly mothers house.

I’m attempting to solve the popping issue and found James’s I2s DAC solution above.

My question… I’m using an old set of amplified PC speakers as the output, would the adafruit MAX98357A still be a suitable DAC, or would I need an un-amplfied one?

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Hello, can anyone get a clear sound like in the video? What is your solution method?

I’m getting nice clear audio whilst using a MAX 98357A I2S Audio DAC, as described in this fork.

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Love it, Working well,
But how if https://xxx.xxx.x.xx i try to inject via node red is not working…, not any sound hear…
because my HA have duckdns,
Let me know to fix this problem please…
Thank you