Turn Kw Reading into cost reading

I’ve got the Tuyu Plugin working for my SmartLife Plugs and can see in realtime on a Dashboard I made the Kw used in realtime by a Lamp for example
Screenshot 2022-10-11 17.03.54

What i’d like to be able to see is the cost of power used over 1day, 1week and 1month
I know my cost per Kwh of energy from my provider, its static…

So this becomes a math issue for me… is there something I can do in configuration.yaml

If Home Assistant can’t do this in its dashboards, then I have the data going into InfluxDB and into Grafana via Flow.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I’d love a single dashboard with the Day, Month, Week and Year consumption cost for all the smartplugs I have…

If you add a energy monitoring source in the energy configuration page, you can add a price per kwh. I am not sure, but does Home Assistant show the costs based on that for a device as well, once that is set?

Another possibility is to make a template sensor, that can display the costs based on a calculation:

Maybe the History Stats integration can come in hand as well: