Turn lights on at specific time if sunrise is in 30 min or later

HA Wizards,

I’m trying to setup an automation where the Hall’s light switches on at 6:50 am ONLY IF the sunrise is in 30 min or more (sunrise is 7:20 or later).

I tried the following code but didn’t work. what’s the correct way to achieve this? is there a way to compare the current time with sunrise’s time and then run the automation?

  - alias: 'Turn on light at 6:50am if sunrise is on or after 7:20am'
      platform: time
      at: '06:50:00'
      condition: sun
      after: sunrise
      after_offset: '00:30:00'
      service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.hall_lamp

Shouldn’t the condition offset be “before”?

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Hi, to me it’s not clear what you are trying to accomplish, don’t know about others.

Do you mean 30mins before sunrise, the light should go on?
What about that 7:20?

Turn the light on at a specific time, but only if that time is 30 min or more before sunrise for that day.

turn the lights on at 6:50 if sunrise occurs at 7:20 or later.
For example: if sunrise is at 7:21 or 8:30 or any time after 7:20, then switch on the light.
If sunrise occurs before 7:20, then do not switch on the lights (it’s bright enough outside to need the lights on inside)

I’ll give this a try,
Thank you