Turn Lights on at Sunset, Turn Off at Midnight

Is there a way to use one automation to turn on a light at sunset (or sunset -01:00 hours) and turn it off at midnight?

Currently I have this as two automations, but I’m trying to consolidate things.


@ericnix ,Yes sure, introduction of trigger id makes HA more versatile .

- id: 'your_id_here'
  alias: Schedule Bedroom Lamp(winter)
  description: ''
  - platform: sun
    event: sunset
    id: 'on'
  - platform: time
    id: 'off'
    at: 00:00
  condition: []
  - service: light.turn_{{ trigger.id }}
      entity_id: light.your_light_here
  mode: single

Thanks @naijaping . The ‘your_id_here’ is a custom ID, right?

Also, the automation that HA’s configuration system created has the target as device_id with a long string. I’m assuming I don’t need to change that, correct?

If I want to do this with multiple lights, could I list multiple device_id or entity_id’s?

Thanks again!

Also, I’m assuming there’s no way of doing this via the Automation Editor?

Put whatever you want there.

Yes, though is better to create a light group.

Can I create a light group via the UI or am I required to manually create them by editing the groups.yaml file?

They go in the light section, not the group section. It’s yaml only.

Lights section? As in a lights.yaml file? Sorry, I’m very new to HA. Learning a lot over the past 2 weeks though!


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You can. Create two triggers and give each an id by clicking on hamburger stack and selecting “edit id”. Give sunset an “on” id, give midnight the “off” id.

add a “choose between” action like below

and then an similar off

Yaml comes out to be essentially what was posted on the original answer.

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