Turn multiple lights on with different colors for holidays / special days

Just in case someone else can benefit, I’m posting my solution to turn 3 lights on with different colors by light and for each holiday. If there are better ways to achieve the same, I’m happy to learn. I (just an amateur) had to combine quite a few different community posts and googling to get the setup working.

In short:

  1. Create a sensor for each holiday, with:
    • state = date of the holiday
    • attributes = rgb code for each light’s sensor entity_id (as a comma separated string)
    • For those wanting to include Easter, here’s another post where I got the calculation
# Holidays
- trigger:
    - platform: time_pattern
      # This will update every night, as there is no need to update more than once per day
      hours: 1
      minutes: 0
- sensor:
    - name: "Easter"
      icon: mdi:egg-easter
      device_class: date
      state: >
        {% set Y = now().year %}
        {% set G = Y % 19 + 1 %}
        {% set C = (Y / 100) | int + 1 %}
        {% set X = (3*C / 4) |int - 12 %}
        {% set Z = ((8*C + 5) / 25) |int - 5 %}
        {% set D = (5*Y / 4)|int - X - 10 %}
        {% set E = (11*G + 20 + Z - X ) % 30 %}
        {% set E = E+1 if (E==25 and G>11 or E==24) else E %}
        {% set N = 44 - E %}
        {% set N = N+30 if N<21 else N %}
        {% set N = N + 7 - (( D + N ) % 7) %}
        {% set M = 4    if N>31 else 3 %}
        {% set N = N-31 if N>31 else N %}
        {{ '%04d-%02d-%02d'%(Y,M,N) }}
        oprit_1: 255,255,0
        oprit_2: 255,255,0
        oprit_3: 255,255,0
    - name: "Christmas Eve"
      icon: mdi:pine-tree
      device_class: date
      state: "{{ now().year ~ '-12-24' }}"
        oprit_1: 255,0,0
        oprit_2: 255,255,255
        oprit_3: 0,255,0
    - name: "Christmas Day"
      icon: mdi:pine-tree
      device_class: date
      state: "{{ now().year ~ '-12-25' }}"
        oprit_1: 255,0,0
        oprit_2: 255,255,255
        oprit_3: 0,255,0
  1. Create a sensor to determine if ‘today’ is one of those holidays
    • use a template to determine the holiday sensor entity_id
    - name: "Holiday"
      icon: >
        {% if is_state('sensor.holiday','Easter') %}
        {% elif is_state('sensor.holiday','Christmas Eve') %}
        {% elif is_state('sensor.holiday','Christmas Day') %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      state: >
        {% if is_state('sensor.easter',now().date()|string) %}
        {% elif is_state('sensor.christmas_eve',now().date()|string) %}
          Christmas Eve
        {% elif is_state('sensor.christmas_day',now().date()|string) %}
          Christmas Day
        {% endif %}
        holiday_entity_id: >
          {{ 'sensor.' ~ (states('sensor.holiday')|regex_replace(find='[^\w\*]', replace='_', ignorecase=False)).lower() }}
  1. Create a script to turn lights on with the desired color per light
alias: Lights - Oprit - Turn on Color
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.oprit_1
      rgb_color: >-
        {{ state_attr(state_attr('sensor.holiday','holiday_entity_id'),'oprit_1').split(',') }}
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.oprit_2
      rgb_color: >-
        {{ state_attr(state_attr('sensor.holiday','holiday_entity_id'),'oprit_2').split(',') }}
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.oprit_3
      rgb_color: >-
        {{ state_attr(state_attr('sensor.holiday','holiday_entity_id'),'oprit_3').split(',') }}
mode: single
icon: mdi:wall-sconce-outline
  1. Create an automation that triggers the script, when desired

This may help, a script I use that works out if today is a ‘special day’: Special Day