Turn off light from lambda effect

Hello. I write no-repetitive effect for ws2811. After end i need to turn off light, no just set all to black, but completely turn off.
Now i do this in HA automation with delay. But i hope exist method, that do something similar

auto call = id(YOUR_LIGHT_ID).turn_off();

This i my code,
It first change the LED color to black down the strip,
when all led is black it turns off the light completely.

      - addressable_lambda:
          name: "WipeOFFup"
          update_interval: 50ms
          lambda: |-
              static int steps = 0;
              static int led = 0;               
               if (steps >=0 && steps <= it.size()) { 
                  it[led] = Color::BLACK;
                  led += 1;
                  steps += 1;
               } else {
                auto call = id(YOUR_LIGHT_ID).turn_off();
                steps = 0;
                led = 0;              