I’m brand new to AppDaemon and writing my first app. I’m trying to set a timer on a light when it turns on. That part works, but it sets the timer 2 times when the light turns on. Any ideas?
Here’s the code:
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import appdaemon.plugins.hass
class LightTimer(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
self._entity_id = self.args.get('entity_id', None)
self._timeout = int(self.args.get('timeout', 0))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
self.log("There's a problem with the configuration.", level="ERROR")
# You must specify an entity
if self._entity_id is None:
self.log('The entity is missing.', level="ERROR")
# Only accepts on and off values for entity_id
state = self.get_state(self._entity_id)
if state not in ['off', 'on']:
self.log("Invalid state: {}. Expecting either on or off.".format(light_state), level="WARNING")
# if no time is specified, set it to 60 seconds.
if self._timeout == 0:
self._timeout = 60
# Listen for the light to turn on
if self._entity_id is not None and self._timeout is not None:
self.listen_state(self.light_turned_on, self._entity_id, new="on")
# Done
self.log("Ready to go")
# When the light turns on, start a timer.
def light_turned_on(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
self.log('The current state is ' + self.get_state(self._entity_id))
if self.get_state(self._entity_id) == 'on':
# Set the entity to turn off after the timeout is reached.
def start_timer(self):
self._timer = self.run_in(self.turn_off_light, self._timeout)
self.log('Timer set for ' + str(self._timeout) + ' seconds.')
# Turn off the light when the timer expires
def turn_off_light(self, kwargs):
self.log('Turning off ' + self._entity_id)
self._timer = None
self.log(self._entity_id + ' turned off.')
Here’s how I’m calling it:
module: lighttimer
class: LightTimer
entity_id: light.office
timeout: 60
Here’s the log file:
2019-12-22 14:42:13.336439 INFO AppDaemon: Reloading Module: /config/appdaemon/apps/lighttimer.py
2019-12-22 14:42:13.338480 INFO AppDaemon: Initializing app turn_off_office_light using class LightTimer from module lighttimer
2019-12-22 14:42:13.340246 INFO turn_off_office_light: Ready to go
2019-12-22 14:42:20.561491 INFO turn_off_office_light: The current state is on
2019-12-22 14:42:20.562568 INFO turn_off_office_light: Timer set for 60 seconds.
2019-12-22 14:42:23.347497 INFO turn_off_office_light: The current state is on
2019-12-22 14:42:23.348557 INFO turn_off_office_light: Timer set for 60 seconds.
2019-12-22 14:43:20.003136 INFO turn_off_office_light: Turning off light.office
2019-12-22 14:43:20.019176 INFO turn_off_office_light: light.office turned off.