I have an ESPHome powered mmWave sensor that overlaps with one in another room. Since it overlaps it still sees movement so I am reliant on the distance sensor. Unfortunately I am having trouble running the “off” script. When there is no movement in the overlapping room the 1st trigger of waiting 10 minutes work, but the 2nd trigger is never fired.
I am sure there is something I am not understanding, would appreciate any insight folks can give me!
mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent
- entity_id: binary_sensor.esp32c3_mmwave_living_room_radar_target
from: "on"
to: "off"
trigger: state
hours: 0
minutes: 10
seconds: 0
- trigger: numeric_state
- sensor.esp32c3_mmwave_living_room_radar_detection_distance
hours: 0
minutes: 10
seconds: 0
above: 151
- alias: Turn off the light
entity_id: light.zigbee_living_room_lights_group
action: light.turn_off
alias: Lights Auto Off Living Room